Friday, November 6, 2009

November 2009

Hello 49ers,

Our next quarterly meeting is Monday night, Nov. 9th, at 7:30 p.m. here at the Grobschmidt Center.

All club members - that could be you - are invited and encouraged to attend.

The agenda this quarter will focus on club elections and the Christmas party
before the dance on Dec. 4th.

The elections should go smoothly. We're looking for a few people to step up and take on a
lesser set of duties than had been given to past officers.

We need more people in teams. There's plenty of experience here and we begin to divide it up more evenly.
Many hands make light work.

And, speaking of "Many hands make light work", the Christmas dinner will begin PROMPTLY at 6 p.m. and we ask those
that are able to arrive a bit early to help coordinate the set-up.

The Christmas party dinner is free to members. No obligation except that we ask you to bring a dish to pass.
The club will supply the meat entrees and volunteers will bring rolls, butter, etc.

Are you planning to attend? Please let a club officer know.

We have pre-rounds at 7:15 and we need to be done with dinner so as to greet our guests. That is a half hour early this year.

Thank you.

David White

Here are the minutes from the Aug. quarterly meeting. They will be modified as necessary and approved at the Nov. meeting.

Hope to see you there.


49ers Square Dance Club
Quarterly Membership Meeting, Aug. 24, 2009 (NOT YET APPROVED)

Meeting came to order at 7:33 p.m.

Minutes from 5/18/09 approved as read.

Treasury Balance as of 6/8/09: 785.22; 6/29/09/: 743.71; 8/3/09: 910.13

First Vice President—David White & Pat Prosser
Christmas Party Centerpieces: Pat is circulating a list for people to sign up to bring centerpieces, usually 12 to 16.
They don’t have to be elaborate. The centerpieces will be raffled off at the party.

Newsletter: Pat requests that Don send information for the newsletter to her as well as to Dave Kasper.

Minutes: David White will e-mail the membership meeting minutes to 49ers who have e-mail addresses shortly
before the following membership meeting.

Second Vice President—Ron and Laura Thein
Ron and Laura won’t be at 4 dances in 2010, but they will contact others to do their duties.

Publicity—Dave Kasper—Absent

Social and Sunshine—Barb Meyrose
Arlene Schroedl broke her arm. She was at the last dance.
Les Butz fractured his shoulder.

Badge Chairperson—Blanche Phipps
Nothing to report.

New Dancer Chairpersons—Fran & Lee Rasmussen
Fall New Dancer Class: Free Party is Sept. 17 and lessons start Sept. 24.
Don Ewert will provide the coffee pot for the party.
Flyers were available at the July dance and at the membership meeting. Dave Kasper will attach two flyers to the
Sept. newsletter, with more available on the tables for taking. Janet wrote an item for the Sept. dance newsletter
which tells about the party, lessons, angels, and posting flyers.

SDAW-SEA Delegate—Jim Lui
Nothing to report because meeting not until Sept. 14.

Here ‘Tis: Bernie & Carolyn Coulthurst are planning to step down from doing Here “Tis, but they will stay on for
4 or 5 more years. They are looking for someone to work with them to learn the job.

Acting Co-Presidents—Don Ewert & Blanche Phipps
Don’s Report:
Sandy Quinlan, Director of the Grobschmidt Senior Center, has approved all dates for the 2009 / 2010 new dancer class season.
Forms for permission to unlock the Senior Center for the 2010 dates were given to the new dancer chairpersons.
Don will check with Sandy on the forms for 2009.

Our next dance on September 4 will feature Pat Christe. Pat has agreed to do all singing calls for this dance.
Because this is her first appearance at the 49ers, I would ask Blanche Phipps to provide her with directions to the Grobschmidt Center.

I have taken no action toward changing the solicitation and election of club officers as discussed under New Business
at our May 18, 2009 meeting. Because the annual picnic was canceled, solicitation of candidates and an election was not possible.
Consistent with current 49ers Guidelines and By-Laws, candidate selection followed by a November 2009 election is necessary.
I would ask therefore, for a Motion to change the election by-laws for an August 2010 election be considered by the membership.

At 2009-year end, please know I resign from the position of 49ers Square Dance Club “Acting President”. I request your cooperation
and understanding in this my personal and necessary decision. To all of you who have made this association a joy, I offer many thanks
and look forward to our continued friendships.

Blanche’s Report:
Eric Tangman spent a night in the hospital in August with a rhythm problem with his heart.

All Singing Calls: Some callers feel it is below their talent to do singing calls, but they will do so if we request it. Mike K. and the
Sprostys are willing to do. Four all-singing call dances are planned for 2010: Feb. 5, May 7, June 4, Nov. 5.

Callers: All contracts for 2010 are in. Lots of callers schedule two years out. If anyone has requests for callers or cuers, let Blanche know.


The Band-Aid theme at the June 5 dance did not happen because too many other things were going on. It is an option for a later date.

Jim will bring up the possibility of having different dance prices for independents and club members at the Sept. 14 SEA meeting.


Update of Birthdays and Anniversaries in Newsletter: Ron will send an updated list to Dave Kasper to prevent the names of inactive or
deceased members from appearing in the newsletter.

Election Ballot: All board members should approach the 49ers membership to get candidates lined up for the board positions.

It was mentioned that board members now do not have a limit to the number of terms they can serve.

These board members have agreed to continue in 2010:
First Vice Presidents—Pat & David
Second Vice Presidents—Laura & Ron
SDAW-SEA Delegate—Jim Lui
Social and Sunshine: Barb Meyrose

Don will check with Andy (Treasurer) and Les (Historian)

Possibly Publicity

More than one person can be on the ballot for any position.

These Changes Were Made to the 49ers Guidelines and Bylaws:
. The amendment process was revised to read “simple majority” instead of “2/3 simple majority.” The motion passed unanimously.
. This item was added under Article 5 Officers; Section 2.1 President: “Has option to delegate any or all duties pertaining to club activities.”
Motion passed unanimously.

Thank you, Don: Club thanked Don for his wonderful service and great club representation during his years as President.

Education Program Letter: In the next 2 weeks, David White will send a rah-rah letter to each club member announcing an intern program
for the operation of the club

Bernie’s 94th Birthday: This falls on Sept. 4 dance nite and club will purchase cake.

The next membership meeting will be Nov. 9, 2009.

Meeting adjourned at 9:29 p.m.

See you at the meeting.

David L. White -
Freelance writer, editor, proofreader
1-800-642-9050 • 414-282-7185

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